MWSRA Statement on Offensive Language and Sportsmanship

October 13, 2016

Comments from players, coaches, spectators, referees, and any others present that insult and/or discriminate against a particular race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, and/or nationality have no place in this diverse, global sport. In addition, political statements that explicitly encourage and/or reinforce these insults and discriminating remarks have no place in the leagues and matches that we officiate.

Referees are expected to maintain a positive environment and it is the responsibility of the referee to respectfully and professionally address and report any offensive, insulting, or abusive language/gestures by players, coaches, and spectators to the best of their ability. For high school matches, concerns about spectator comments and behavior should be addressed through the Athletic Director present at the match. MWSRA will fully support referees who take the appropriate action uphold the Laws of the Game and promote a safe, fair, and fun environment.
